Village of Colonie EDWARD SIM DEPUTY MAYOR AM - @ PM VILLAGE HALL 2 THUNDER ROAD PATTY SCHWARZ LOCKART COLONIE, NY 12205 TRUSTEE (518) 869-7562 FAX (518) 464-0389 JAMES M. RUBINO THOMAS J. TOBIN TRUSTEE MAYOR ART WHITE TRUSTEE JAMIE BLOT CLERK Minutes Tuesday, June 20, 2023 6:30 P.M. The regularly scheduled meeting of the Village of Colonie Planning Commission was held at Village Hall, 2 Thunder Road Albany, NY 12205 on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. ROLL CALL: Chairman: Chris Dennis Commissioners: John Martin Brittany Kendall Kenny Hart-absent Jim Splonskowski Brian Curran-absent Kerry Bytner-absent Village Attorney: Victor Caponera Village Engineer: R.J. Laberge Liaison: Patty Schwarz Lockart-absent Commissioner Martin opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m., led the Pledge of Allegiance and requested that all electronic devices be turned off or muted. The Commission reviewed the regular meeting minutes from June 6, 2023. Commissioner Martin made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner Splonskowski seconded the motion. VOTE: unanimous to approve Change of Occupancy Site Plan Application Ridgeback Hospitality LLC 1707 Central Avenue Ms. Caryn Modzianowski, from Bohler Engineering appeared before the Commission to present the Site Plan Application and Change of Occupancy for 1707 Central Avenue. Ms. Modzianowski presented an overview of the proposed project. Ridgeback Hospitality is proposing an approximately 2,300 square foot quick serve Chipotle restaurant. Ms. Modzianowski provided the Commission copies of the Site Layout Plan, a site overlay showing existing and proposed buildings, and a Proposed Cross Section plan. These were in addition to the previous plans submitted at this meeting. The site will have a pickup window for pre-ordered food with 32 parking spaces for customers. The curb cut on Central Avenue will be closed off with access through Red Fox Drive and maintaining cross access to the rear of the property with 1St National Bank of Scotia. Ms. Modzianowski stated the layout has not changed since the preliminary review but has been enhanced with full detail. There would be a canopy over the pickup window and the patio door, that would meet setback requirements. There will be no outdoor music for the patio area per Village Code. These were concerns when they presented for the Sketch Plan Review. Ms. Modzianowski stated that because of the curb cut being closed on Central Avenue, they will be filling in the existing sidewalk and proposing some switchback ramps and railings due to the change in grade topography. The ramps and railings will be an ADA compliant sidewalk connection from the street. They are proposing keeping the same sign location designed the lighting, grading, drainage, utility connections and erosion control. They provided a cross section through the center of the site from Central Avenue to the back of the property. Chairman Dennis asked Ms. Modzianowski for the site statistics for the building space, green space, and paved space. Ms. Modzianowski stated 20% green space is required, there is 37.5% today and 36.1% provided, this accounts for the inclusion of the residential and commercial zones and anything within the property lines. Chairman Dennis would like to see the egress to the bank narrowed up to allow for more green space. The building and paved space were not separated for the site statistics. The combined building and hard surface are being proposed at 64%. There was some question regarding the need for additional green space considering that the property has two fronts, the Red Fox Drive has no side front, and 50% green space is required in front yards. Village Attorney Caponera discussed green space and how it relates to the Village code. Village Attorney Caponera read a portion of the Village Code regarding green space in Commercial Zone A as related to the two front yards. Chairman Dennis liked the closing of the curb cut but has concerns regarding the amount of green space and hard surface. Chairman Dennis would like to see the egress from Central Avenue up to the bank narrowed to allow for more green space and the visual aspect from Central Avenue. There were questions regarding the heights of the retaining walls that are level to grade as well. Commissioner Martin expressed concern over the existing trees not being represented in the current landscape plans. Ms. Modzianowski stated the plan is to protect the trees that are currently there. Commissioner Martin is concerned that the root systems will be disturbed with the raising of the grade, paving and/or excavating that will take place. The Commission would like to see more imagination with the proposed landscape to have more variety, height, and colors. Commissioner Martin would like to possibly see a tree placed in the negotiated green space with the bank. Village Attorney Caponera requested that Ms. Modzianowski explain the proposed location of the building regarding the incremental fill that will be brought in and the levels leading up to the building starting with the property line at Central Avenue. The building proposed will be approximately six feet higher than what is currently there. Chairman Dennis would like to see the elevations of the building and surrounding property with respect to the centerline of Central Avenue, including elevation of the building to the green space, the handrails and retaining walls. Chairman Dennis requested that the profiles on the grades be looked at again. Chairman Dennis also requested that the driving lanes be looked at and possibly be narrowed down as a vehicle enters the lanes and then open as the vehicle approaches the drive through. A poll of the commissioners indicated the desire to reduce the initial portion of the drive thru lane to allow for additional green space planting along Central Avenue. Side of the building. Village Engineer Laberge stated concerns regarding the sidewalk being built over the sewer. He will speak with DPW to obtain input on the plans. The Commission would also like to know how snow removal will be addressed along with customer traffic, especially during busy times of the day. Discussion: Village Engineer Laberge drafted a letter for the Commission that will be sent to Mayor Tobin on behalf of the Commission regarding code revisions. VOTE: unanimous to approve Commissioner Martin made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 pm. Commissioner Splonskowski seconded the motion. Respectfully Submitted, Joan Rueckert - Planning Coordinator